Saturday, March 10, 2007

To Kim, With Love, In Chinese

Not really. If I knew Chinese I might. I am sure there is a way to convert things you type into any language you want, but I don't feel that froggy this morning. Anyway, I love you Kim, and I hope to talk with you tomorrow!

Not much else going on today. Kody and I are expecting some company later on, so I have a little cleaning that I need to address. I am excited and hope tonight will be a lot of fun!

Diane and I went out last night and looked at some townhouses off Stadium Drive, and then some more south of town on Tanner Bridge Road. The ones off Stadium allow pets, which is one of the two main goals, but I have yet to find out the prices on them. The ones off Tanner Bridge were nicer, and the area was better(not crime wise just overall felt nicer), and the price was right! But I don't know if they allow pets or not. So I will have to do some investigating perhaps Monday.

I have been debating over the possibility of getting a new car. The one I have is just fine, and has been fixed since it was molested a few weeks back. However, my warranty has expired, and I loved my warranty. If I am going to trade it in, I need to do it soon so I still get some profit out of it. And I am going to be making car payments anyway, so why not on something I really want now. But then there is the question of what would I want. I have looked at a few things, but really have not searched to much. I know I want something with more leg room for the driver, and I was thinking about something two door or possibly even an SUV (a smaller one). So, I will keep you posted on that. If you have any recommendations as to what I might get, please feel free to offer them!!

It will be two weeks this coming Tuesday since I quit smoking. I am doing pretty good! I have not cheated once, and have not even really had the deep desire to do so. There have been a couple of bumps in the road, but with a little concentration, I was able to get past them. I wish I could report that I have also been in the best of moods, but I can't. Not smoking has left me on edge, and more than happy to twist your dirty little dog fucking dick right off!!! Sorry, but that is my frame of mind right now. They say that the worst of the withdrawals end after about three weeks, so just one more week to go!


1 comment:

moogaman said...

I really like MINI's