Saturday, April 26, 2008

The latest

Well, there is not that much going on I guess. In fact, I have no idea why the hell I am writing this.

I got all my flowers out this past weekend. I went a little over budget perhaps, but it looks good. I will take a few pictures and post them at some point.

Not to sound like I am throwing myself a pity party, but I have been thinking a lot about what it is exactly I am good at. What do people respect or admire about me? I can think of nothing. Really nothing. Other than the fact that I have a nasty temper. Wow, sometimes I feel like a real waste of space.

Ok so maybe that was a pity party, but what the hell I am allowed.

I am going to start painting the townhouse soon I think. I am ready for something different. I am also ready to go on vacation. I need to get the fuck out of here for a little while.

Talk Talk - It's My Life

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I have been MOLESTED

Frodo Baggins has become quite fond of molesting me every time I lay down on the bed with my laptop. I got the camera up and snapped this photo. He is relentless!

I will update my blog again soon with a real post. Baggins will help I'm sure.