Friday, March 2, 2007

I Quit!

Yeah, as a few of you already know, I quit smoking on Tuesday. It has been kinda rocky in a few spots, but all in all it has not been to terrible. I was ready to quit. It happened suddenly, and I acted quickly. My new method of thinking is as long as I NEED a cig, I will be fine. I can NEED one all day long. That will go away with time. But right now the key is I don't WANT one. As long as I don't WANT one, I won't smoke. So lets hope that this works out!

I have also decided to quit with Soco for a while. I hardly ever go anymore, and that is fine. Now I think I am going to cut it out even more, for a while at least. Being up there, even with the smoking ban, was an uphill battle! I really NEEDED a cig the whole time. I have also decided to quit going because of the ever present drama that seems to surround the people I go with. Last night was no exception! Brett and Tim always have drama at Soco, and they always get drunk, if they can afford it. Even worse, are the way they treat each other when I am around, and the nasty shit they say to one another. Is it me? Am I the reason they fight like that? I am sick of the drama, the financial expectations, the rudeness, and when I decide to get drunk, nobody has to deal with me, why should I have to deal with others. Last night should have been fun. It should have been a chance for me to step out of the shit in my life right now and just have a good time. Instead, all I get to deal with is drama. Thanks to all for a marvelous evening!

That may have come out a little bitchier than I wanted, but it is what is on my mind. Brett and Tim are both my friends. Brett is one of my best friends! All I am saying is some people have an awful lot of nerve saying and doing some of the shit they do, and some pretty big balls if they want to call me out on something I wrote above.

Tony had his first round of chemo yesterday. After having an allergic reaction at first, everything seemed to go ok. He will have 3 more treatments after this one (if the doctors see any improvement after the first set of labs come back, otherwise Tony is going to opt out of chemo and just deal with controlling the pain.)

More to come soon.


1 comment:

moogaman said...

I'm glad you went away from MySpace. I hate that festering festhole. Site looks good.