Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I love my Christmas tree. I take a hell of a lot of pride in putting it up and decorating it, and love sitting around it all lit up in the evening.
I had a really rough day today, and when I got home, I discovered the cats had systematically destroyed the tree. It was pretty bad. I took one look at the tree, then at the cats, and walked right upstairs and closed myself in the bedroom until Kody got home. I am pretty sure if I had stayed down there with the cats I would have killed them.....slowly.
Kody began putting things back together the best he could. I came down and helped for a few minutes, but found myself getting really angry again so came back upstairs, which is where I am right now. I am pretty sure the tree will not look right again this year unless I take down all the lights and start from scratch.
Perhaps I am overreacting. I get so pissed off sometimes. I get so uncompromisingly angry, everything is blanketed in a sea of red rage. It is stupid really. They are kittens, what should I expect. That being said, I am pretty sure they have experienced their last day of freedom until after Christmas. Starting tomorrow they will most likely spend the day while I am at work locked up in the laundry room, and if they are real good, they will live through the next month.

Oh Celine, through the beauty of your voice and the magic of my favorite holiday song please grant me the courage to face another day, the wisdom to forgive those who abuse my trust, the strength to do battle with my inner demons, and the restraint to not throw my cats in the dryer and roast their hairy little asses! Just kidding, I love my babies, just not tonight.

Celine Dion - O Holy Night


Zan said...

This must be similar to loving children that tear up your stuff and break your heart. What a heavy burden to bear. Keep your head up and your heart as big as it can be. Locking up the little ones for the day probably isn't a bad idea to retain what little Christmas sanity you possibly can.
Just think...soon we'll all be together and celebrating the season. :)

Mike1877 said...

Take it from my experience. Just laugh...just let it out and laugh about it. Remember you will laugh about it after the year is done and it will become a great story.