Thursday, July 5, 2007

A few things before I hit the road....

I am leaving in the morning. I am still not all the way packed, which sucks really bad because I wanted to get everything packed and in the car tonight so in the morning it would be a quick shower and off we go. Maybe it will still work out that way.

I went to my dad's house today, and unfortunately had to deal with my stepmothers family. They are super religious, and felt the need to look down at me as they always do because 1 I don't go to church and 2 I am gay. They look at me like a bug, and have told me that I am a godless sinner for being a homosexual. If getting into heaven meant swallowing that bullshit then I would just as soon burn in hell. So fuck them and every other member of the Assembly of God faith for judging me. Hell will be so cozy with you there to keep me company.

Well, I will talk to you all in 2 weeks!!!!


1 comment:

Zan said...

I love your thoughts on the super religious. I giggled with delight. I wonder how you're doing on your vacation? We blew stuff up while you were gone, you'll have to see the video footage when you return!