Friday, January 23, 2009

January blues

Yeah, I kinda have them a little. It is coming up on the one year anniversary of Tony dying. I would be a liar if I said this was not on my mind. It is also never pleasant to grow another year older and still not be where you want to be. Blah, I don't want to grow up! It does not help that it was almost 70 fucking degrees yesterday, and tonight it snowed. Please feel free to insert your own favorite Missouri weather cliche here. I also have a stomach ache tonight. McDonalds makes my tummy sad.

I think I am going to take advantage of a few open houses tomorrow while Kody is at his photo shoot. Then I think we are going to see a movie with Mike and Mary which should be fun. Sunday I am going to mom's and filing my taxes. Tuesday I am taking her to St. Louis to the airport. I find it violently unfair that she gets to leave while I sit here in this damned ice box!

Please take a moment to check out my new random dislike. You may be slightly disgusted. If you enjoy it, let me know so we can stop being friends.

1 comment:

Zan said...

The video is creepy, but I am a long-time fan of the song. I hope we can at least still say "hi" to one another on the street sometimes.