Monday, April 9, 2007

Halloween 2007

So, we are not talking about just any remake here. We are talking about the remake of one of my favorite movies of ALL time! I have loved Halloween since I first saw it when I was a little boy.
Let me first say that in general, I dislike remakes! I especially dislike remakes of movies that hold a special place in my heart. There have been a lot of remakes in the past couple of years, for example The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Amityville Horror, and The Hills Have Eyes. They were all ok movies, but none except for maybe the last was as good as the original(the original Hills Have Eyes kinda sucked.)
When I heard they were remaking Halloween, I was upset. When I found out Rob Zombie was doing it, I was really upset. Not that I have anything against him (I loved House of 1000 Corpses!), but it is sacred to me, and I did not want anyone to fuck it up. It would not be quite as bad as Uwe Boll remaking the original Star Wars Trilogy, but almost as unwelcome!
I have to say PERHAPS I am wrong. After viewing the trailer, I am kinda excited about seeing it. It will not be as good as the original, but maybe if I go in not comparing it, I will enjoy it. Watch the trailer and let me know what you think.


moogaman said...

I think I'll see it, eventually. But, I think you're right, it's gonna be kinda like someone remaking The Trilogy. It might be good, but not as good as the original.

I got a kind of Beginning feel off this trailer. Also, don't like trailers who start off like that. I don't like Rob Zombie either, but it appears he won't take a hard left turn in the middle of this movie.

Zan said...

It oughta be good for a few thrills at least. I'm not terribly excited about it.