Thursday, August 23, 2007

Whats on my mind

Well, right now there are several things on my mind. None of them are particularly important, but I just feel like writing.

First of all, there is something I have been wanting to make mention of for a while now. Everyone I have talked to has given me the same advice, which is to just let it go and not say anything. I can't do that. As most of you know by now, Brett moved to Columbia recently. Even though we don't speak anymore (which is just as much my fault as it is his), I saw this as a good move for him, and a smart one at that since he works up there and gas is not exactly cheap. What I did not like was the fact that he called none of his friends to let them know. Apparently he tried calling me a couple of weeks ago to tell me about it. I doubt this since I have not spoken to him since well before I went to Colorado. Maybe he did, and I was being a bitch and did not answer my phone, who knows. It is certainly possible. Brett, whatever happened to our friendship, I will always care about you. You were my best friend for several years, and I will never forget that. I would still like to hear from you every once in a while, and I don't hate you, but what you did really fucking sucks! BIG TIME!

On to more pleasant things. I fell yesterday and hurt my leg. I peeled the skin off in a few places and now I have a really yucky looking bruise. The pain has eased up a little, which is a good thing. I have always had such a graceful manner.

I have not discussed Tony on here for a while, so here is an update on that. Nothing has changed really. He is on a new series of chemo, which is not as devastating as the first. His hair is growing back in, black instead of brown which I find kinda funny. The prognosis I think is still the same, so it is just a matter of time. How long remains unknown. If the doctors best case senario plays out, he may live to welcome 2008. They are planning on doing more scans soon, so we may have an update in the weeks to follow. I will keep you posted.

I am really uncomfortable in the fact that I have gained some weight. While I have already halted the spread of the unwanted pounds and lost some it, it makes me uncomfortable how easy it is to gain weight. Fucking ice cream!!!

This cracks me up!!!


I am thinking about maybe going to see Elton John next month in Columbia. Maybe not. Is that too gay?? I don't even like Elton John that well, at least not well enough to spend big bucks on a ticket. I really do want to go to a good concert soon. I would have enjoyed Alice Cooper at the State Fair, but alas it did not happen even though I had someone who would have went with me. Thanks for the offer Lexy! I have decided that next year I (and anyone else who would like to come along) am going to the State Fair, stumble around drunk all afternoon, then go to the concert that night. Maybe I will get really drunk and fall head first over the railing into one of the livestock exhibits and get a mouthful of shit! Fun times! You would not want to miss that would you??

I guess that is all I have for now. I will leave you with your little piece of 80's goodness. Talk with you all soon.

Erasure - Oh Lamour

1 comment:

Mike1877 said...

You know sometimes friends just grow apart. It sucks but its what happens. One of my best friends from Highschool I have grown very far apart from. If it wasn't for him being married in the same family we wouldn't have any contact at all.

Sometimes you just have to let them go. Nomatter how much it hurts or sucks. Someday in the future you will cross paths agian. And at that time you will know if it for the best or not. Usually it is for the best. What you have to look forward to now. Is a good life that concentrates around you, Cody, new friends and family. Its the people that are around you NOW that count. People will float in and out through your life. But you cant let it get to you. Just concentrate on the time you have with those people now. You will get a lot more satisfaction from that.